The Clean Fuels / Hydrocracker Expansion Project at the Conoco Phillips Refinery in Rodeo, California included facilities to process heavy gas oil, a hydrogen plant with a capacity of 120 million cubic feet per day, a hydrocracker with capacity of 23,000 barrels per day, a sulfur recovery unit of 200 tons per day, and a butane rail loading facility. The addition also upgraded the refinery’s capacity to 1 million gallons per day and would result in 1.25 million tons of CO2 emissions per year.
Signet provided special inspections and materials testing services related to soils engineering, soils compaction, structural welding, NDT (UT/MT/radiographic), pipe welding, reinforcement steel, shotcrete, masonry, fireproofing and epoxy anchors. In addition, we provided a full range of quality assurance services, and managed key subcontractors for Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Mitigation Monitoring, Rigging Engineering and Archeological / Paleontology Services on behalf of Fluor/Conoco Phillips.
Phone: (916) 374-0754
498 N. Third St, Sacramento, CA 95811