Photo Courtesy: EBALDC
Lion Creek Crossings is an affordable multi-family housing community that was developed as a partnership between the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), the Oakland Housing Authority (OHA) and Related Companies of California. The project called for a complete redevelopment of the 1964 OHA public housing development formerly known as Coliseum Gardens.
The original complex was demolished and renamed as Lion Creek Crossings to highlight the restoration of nearby Lion Creek and the two new bridges being built to cross it. Once completed, the development will provide a variety of services for its community, including health care, computer training, and recreation.
MatriScope was involved on Phase IV of the project, which constructed four wood-framed 3-story townhome-style buildings for a combined total of 72 one-, two-, and three-bedroom units above a concrete framed podium level that has 72 parking spaces. This project also included upwards of 2,000 square feet of commercial retail and office space.
The project is Green Communities certified, offering a variety of sustainable building elements, including: high-efficiency irrigation system, 40% FSC wood, EnergyStar bathroom fans, and flow restrictors on all faucets.
MatriScope provided special inspections and materials testing related to cast-in-place concrete, including reinforcing steel & anchor placement, concrete masonry unit, concrete placement inspection, Shotcrete, and structural steel.
Phone: (916) 374-0754
498 N. Third St, Sacramento, CA 95811