What lies under your property is as important as what you build above it. At UER, our teams apply known natural principles to establish the geologic context in which we perform subterranean geotechnical investigations for our clients. Properly performed geotechnical engineering improves foundation designs, reduces construction delays, and aids in the assessment of environmental risks.
Our professional staff excels when it comes to deep foundations and creative design solutions incorporating the use of dewatering systems, driven piles, caissons, drilled piers, mat foundations, sheet piles, shoring and underpinning systems and associated load test programs necessary to confirm design performance.
Our crews are backed by the expertise of our senior engineers and laboratory technicians. Our comprehensive geotechnical services include:
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Email: info@uercorp.com
Phone: (916) 374-0754
498 N. Third St, Sacramento, CA 95811